Voice Research
The primary goal of Voice is to facilitate and promote healthy living on the UBCO campus through the development and design of a health-promoting campus.
Voice 6: Social Wellbeing (2023-2025)
Voice is a community-based participatory action research project (CB-PAR) with an aim to support campus wellbeing. Students, staff, and faculty take part in designing and conducting the research and then taking collective action on the research results to improve and support campus wellbeing.
The Voice methodological framework focuses specifically on health promotion strategies and youth-adult partnerships. In each phase, researchers focus on a different theme of health promotion and well-being.
The aim of Voice 6: Social Wellbeing is to answer the following: What population-level factors within the campus environment (e.g. social, work culture, spiritual, physical, academic, economic, built, and policy) affect the social well-being of the UBCO campus community? How can we address the identified issues? How can we build on and enhance current assets?

What is Social Well-being?
Social well-being can be understood at the community level. When communities are high in social well-being, the people who are a part of that community have higher feelings of belongingness, reduced social isolation, and are more connected. People are kinder and display more empathy, patience, and compassion towards one another. Sense of safety and trust among community members is also higher, and people are more likely to help and support each other. People and groups celebrate and uplift each other.
What is it that impacts social well-being? It is cultural norms, institutional structures, policies, processes, and our physical and online environments that play a significant role in shaping and influencing social well-being. In the Voice 6: Social Wellbeing study, we are working with the campus community to understand what it is about our campus environment and culture that influences the social well-being of UBC Okanagan.
1. To identify systemic factors influencing the social well-being of the UBCO campus community.
2. To utilize the Voice methodological framework (CB-PAR, Youth-Adult Partnerships, and Health Promotion Strategies) with the UBCO campus community to advance knowledge, take collective action on and intervene, and educate the campus about the factors identified in the campus wellness assessment.
3. To advance knowledge and contribute to the research literature about environmental factors and interventions that support the increase of social wellbeing in a post-secondary environment.
The Voice research project uses a methodological framework that includes community-based participatory action research [CBPAR] methods, settings-based health promotion strategies and student/non-student partnerships. Data are collected using a variety of approaches:
Voice Community Survey
A short survey containing open-ended questions about social wellbeing, along with demographic questions. Informed consent is required upon commencement. No personally identifiable information is collected in the survey. It takes about 10-15 minutes to complete. The quickest and most convenient way to get involved!
A community-based research method which combines the descriptive nature of photography, with participant descriptive nature of photography, and with participant descriptions of their photographs. You will borrow a digital camera from us to take photos on campus as if you were planning a photo exhibition about social wellbeing through the eyes of the campus community, then add a caption to describe the photos in your own words. A photo is worth a thousand words!
Table Talks
A 90-minute conversation with up to 9 other campus community members about Social Wellbeing at UBC Okanagan. The questions the group will discuss are about what you think a socially well campus is like, what helps or harms social wellbeing on our campus, and how we can improve social wellbeing at UBC Okanagan. Participants will also be asked to complete a demographic survey.
Community Dialogue Events
UBCO Campus Wellness & Education will be hosting events on campus to increase social wellbeing, like community meals or fireside evenings. At these events, participants can share their ideas in a more informal way, like writing on a whiteboard or on paper spread out on a table. Share your ideas while enjoying some refreshments!
Community Forum
A forum where UBCO Campus Wellness & Education, who leads this Voice study, shares the results with campus community members to help determine priorities for action, education, and further research. You will be able to provide advice, share reflections, and any additional ideas and concerns as it relates to the results revealed about social wellbeing at UBC Okanagan. This may be done by writing on white-boards or papers around a room or space, by participating in conversations with others at the event then collectively sharing points of discussion on white-board or papers. Let us hear what changes you want to see!
The Results
The results of Voice 6 will be shared back with the campus community at a Community Forum end of March/early April. At the Community Forum, we will work together to identify priorities and next steps for action to support Social Wellbeing at UBCO.
The Research Team
Dr. Joan Bottorff (Principal Investigator)
Professor – School of Nursing
(250) 807-8627
Melissa Feddersen, BSN
Manager – Campus Wellness & Education
(250) 807-9271
Casey Hamilton, RD, MSc
Wellbeing Strategist – Campus Wellness & Education
(250) 807-9271
Kaitlyn Thorp-Levitt, RD
Campus Health Specialist – Campus Wellness & Education
(250) 807-9271
Gaya Arasaratnam, MBA
Director – Wellbeing and Accessibility Services
(250) 807-9261
Haley Strother, RN
Campus Health Specialist – Campus Wellness & Education
(250) 807-9271
Have questions or want more information about
Voice 6: Social Wellbeing?
Contact Casey Hamilton, Co-Investigator