Drugs & Alcohol

Substance Use Harm Reduction
The UBCO Harm Reduction Team (HaRT) was founded in 2020 and is an initiative of Campus Wellness and Education. HaRT is informed by People Who Use Drugs (PWUD) across the entire spectrum of substance use, health and social workers, and community members at UBCO. We provide information and services about how to use substances in lower risk ways. We run regularly scheduled harm reduction programs and workshops throughout the year covering harm reduction topics such as lower-risk substance use, safer partying, naloxone training, and more. Whether you don’t use substances, are planning to continue using substances, or want to explore options to reduce substance use, we are here for you!
What is Harm Reduction?
Harm reduction is an evidence-based, person-centered approach that aims to reduce the harms of systems, policies, and substances. This approach focuses on the goals of the person; it does not require anyone to abstain from substance use. Rather, it supports using substances in a way that reduces the risk of harm.
“Harm reduction shifts resources and power to the people who are most vulnerable to structural violence” (Tula, as quoted in Godfrey, 2018, p. x).
Important Update:
“The street drug supply in B.C. is more toxic and unpredictable than ever. Any street drug can be poisoned, not just opioids. It can be hard to know what’s in the substances you’re taking. Even if they came from a source you trust, like a friend or roommate. Even if you only take a little, or if it’s your first time, the risks are real. It’s important to know how to prevent, recognize and respond to an overdose.” – The Government of British Columbia
- For information about naloxone training and harm reduction services on campus, see the below programs.
- Emergency nasal naloxone is located in buildings across campus next to the automated external defibrillators (AEDs).
- Fentanyl test strips available in Picnic (UNC 122b, open Monday-Friday, 8:30am-4:30pm).
- Visit drugchecking.ca for more information about drug checking services in the community.

1. Naloxone Training
Wednesdays | 12pm – 2pm | Picnic (UNC 122b)
Thursdays | 4pm – 5pm | Residence Wellness Hub (NCH 251)
September – April
Naloxone is a free, publicly available medication that can reverse a drug poisoning. When someone receives naloxone, it reverses the effects of opioids and can safe their life! Training is very simple, and only takes about 10 minutes.

2. Harm Reduction Team (HaRT) Outreach
Various Locations and Times
September – April
The UBCO Harm Reduction Team (HaRT) is always up to something new! You might find us giving our treats and resources throughout the week. Or hosting fun events with campus partners!
Stay in the loop by following @ubcoaccesswellbeing on Instagram or check out the UBCO Events Calendar.

3. Come Say “High”
Mondays & Wednesdays | 11am – 12:30pm | UNC 337
September – April
Come say “High” to our Harm Reduction Team (HaRT)! It’s free and confidential. You don’t need to make an appointment. We have our own office in the counselling department in UNC 337 (it’s the first door on the left).
Drop in for a chat with a team member to learn how to access drug checking, ask questions about safer use, and access fentanyl test strips.

4. Recovery Conversations
Every Other Tuesday | 1pm – 2:30pm | Nechako Rm 221
September – April
Are you wanting to reduce or eliminate your substance usage? Every other Tuesday, a support group holds space for individuals exploring their alcohol and substance use. Join a small group of peers on a similar journey, and come ready to discover what recovery could look like for you.
*No registration is required. Please drop in.
What to expect: This group is led by a UBCO mental health and substance use professional and is intended to support individuals looking to manage their alcohol, drug, or substance use. Group sizes will be kept intentionally small to allow for candid conversations (10-14 students). While the facilitator will come prepared with topics for discussion, organic conversation is encouraged. Come prepared to share and unpack!

5. Priority Substance Use Topics
Vaping & Smoking: Vaping devices heat a liquid into a vapor that the user inhales, they are used for nicotine delivery, cannabis or CBD use, and for other recreational uses. Health risks associated with vaping can include lung injury, and the long-term effects of inhaling e-liquid ingredients(including nicotine, ultrafine particles, diacetyl, volatile organic compounds, heavy metals and other carcinogenic chemicals).
Cannabis on Campus: The federal Cannabis Act was passed in 2018 and it defines which forms of cannabis are legal, how it may be sold, and how much a person may possess. With cannabis legal in Canada, we have an opportunity to address the effects of cannabis and how to use cannabis in a lower-risk way on our campus. Join us as we spread education on our campus and seek community input on their relationship with cannabis.
Unregulated Drugs: In April 2016, the Public Health Officer of BC declared a state of emergency in response to the increasing rate of drug overdoses. Sadly, 2020 was BC’s deadliest year for illicit drug toxicity deaths; there was a total of 1,716 overdose deaths in 2020 (4.7 deaths/day), a 74% increase from 2019. Join Campus Wellness Harm Reduction Team (HaRT) to educate our campus and communities on lower-risk use, overdose prevention, drug-checking, and recovery support options.
Information and Resources

Drug Checking

Naloxone Training
Designated Smoking Areas
UBCO HaRT: How We Got Here

The UBCO Harm Reduction Team was formed in 2020 in response to a lack of harm reduction resources. Interior Health and the BC Centre on Substance Use came alongside HaRT to provide training and resources for drug-checking. We continue to work closely with the BC Centre on Substance Use and other drug-checking programs.
Despite the challenges of toxic drugs spreading across Canada, we remain dedicated to creating a safe and inclusive community for all individuals. We believe in the importance of promoting harm reduction practices to reduce the harm caused by the ongoing crisis. That’s why we took action in 2020 and established our Harm Reduction Team (HaRT) to provide a wide range of harm reduction services, including drug checking, in the Okanagan.