two students sharing a laptop

General Health

As you explore all the different health topics we have on our website, you will find that there is more to an individual’s health and well-being than their physical health. However, physical health is still an important aspect of your wellness journey. This can include seeking medical attention for health concerns, practicing routine cancer screening, following up with tests your healthcare provider has ordered or taking your medications as they are prescribed. Healthy practices are critical to our wellness and by recognizing the importance that physical activity, sleep and sedentary behavior play on our health and well-being we can take great strides towards wellness. A physically active campus helps everyone to move more and sit less. We are working to find new ways to integrate movement into campus life to promote student wellbeing, reduce stress and support learning. Even small changes can make a difference. 

If you are passionate about expanding opportunities for physical activity on our campus, join our action group by contacting us here. 


Nurse on campus. Wednesdays | 12-2 | PICNIC (UNC 122B)

1. Nurse on Campus

Wednesdays | 12 pm – 2pm | Picnic (UNC 122B)

Thursdays | 9am – 11am | Nechako 251

September – April

Stop by Picnic for weekly drop-in hours with our nurse on campus. 

Our nurse is available to answer your questions related to physical, mental, emotional, or social wellbeing. Services are free and confidential, and no appointment is needed. 

Some of the things you can visit the Nurse on Campus for include: 

  • Personalized tips on health and wellness. 
  • Information on navigating the health care system. 
  • Information about health services on campus. 
  • Free condoms and harm reduction supplies. 
  • Naloxone Training and free take-home Naloxone kit 
  • Sexual health education. 
  • And so much more… 

Please note that this time is designated for education and linking you to resources. If you have any personal health concerns that require an assessment, please seek medical attention:

Nurse on campus. Wednesdays | 12-2 | PICNIC (UNC 122B)

2. Relaxing Fridays

Fridays| 1pm – 4pm | Picnic (UNC 122B)

September – April

Need to unwind? Come hang out at Picnic. Have a nourishing snack, do some colouring, check out recipes, or take part in a Yoga or Tai Chi class.

Activities will vary but the vibe will be chill.

Information and Resources


On Campus

Student Health Clinic 
UBCO Recreation 
SUO Extended Health Benefits 
Navigating Health Insurance while at UBCO 
woman walking up stairs

Community/Online Resources

Canadian 24-Hour Movement Guidelines 

An Integration of Physical Activity, Sedentary Behaviour, and Sleep

Community Walk In Clinics 
HealthLink BC 
Health Advice Phone Line – 811 

 8-1-1 is a free-of-charge provincial health information and advice phone line available in British Columbia. The 8-1-1 phone line is operated by HealthLink BC, which is part of the Ministry of Health. By calling 8-1-1, you can speak to a health service navigator, who can help you find health information and services; or connect you directly with a registered nurse, a registered dietitian, a qualified exercise professional, or a pharmacist. Any one of these healthcare professionals will help you get the information you need to manage your health concerns, or those of your family. 

How We Got Here

three woman chatting

Information coming soon