We couldn’t accomplish the work that we do without our partners! Come and check out our project working space and community lab located in the Health & Wellness Center of UBC Okanagan, UNC 337.
Partner with people from across all sectors of UBC (Okanagan and Vancouver) along with the external community and collaborate on projects. Partnerships vary in structure, goals, and length of time and involvement can vary from one semester to several years.
Join the Voice Project
Voice students, staff, and faculty are welcome to take part in the Voice project.
Students can join the Voice research project at any time, bring their ideas to us or work with us for certain course credits. Partnerships with Voice are formed in two ways:
Campus Approaches Voice
If campus community members have an interest or problem, approaching the Voice team can be a great way to build an effective partnership to take action to improve life on our campus.
Voice Approaches Campus
Voice researchers may approach members of the campus community who are stakeholders in certain issues to partner on finding ways to enhance campus wellbeing. Community members have a wealth of expertise and campus knowledge because of the positions they hold. Working together we can create a healthier campus for everyone.
Staff may join as co-researchers on projects connected with their positions and interest.
Faculty members may work on research projects related to campus wellness that align with their research programs or areas of interest. Faculty can also collaborate with Campus Wellness to enable students to gain research experience for course credit.

What does a Voice Volunteer do?
Voice student partners can take on a variety of roles depending on their interests and our current projects. As a Voice volunteer you can:
- Develop and assist with delivering campus programs to improve campus wellness
- Coordinate directly with campus partners to plan events
- Create educational media posts infographics and/or presentations
- Participate in research activities (collecting and analyzing data, preparing summaries of the findings).
- Join an action group to develop strategies and get involved in collective action ot improve campus wellness.
- Help get other students and members of the community excited about improving campus wellness.
How to Get Involved
Volunteer with Voice! We welcome student volunteers who want to make an impact on campus wellness. Voice is divided into five subsections that each focus on a specific aspect of wellbeing:
- Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour
- Food Systems and Food Security
- Mental Health and Resilience
- Sexual Health
- Environment and Sustainability
- Substance Use