What We Do
Campus Wellness and Education is committed to collaborating with the campus community to work towards the healthiest campus possible for our students, staff and faculty to live, work and play. This work is prioritized and actioned though our Voice Research project and can shift and change based on campus priorities or public health concerns. Interventions Campus Wellness lead includes various programs, but we spend most of our time considering how to create a healthier campus and culture where the healthy choice is also the easy one. We strive to provide opportunities for students to attend to all dimensions of wellness and to provide opportunities to build their leadership skills as we work towards a healthier and more just world.
Mental and Emotional Health
Help us create a supportive campus culture for positive mental and emotional health.
Sexual Health
Volunteer to help with events to promote healthy relationships and safer sex.
Drugs & Alcohol
Get involved in supporting harm reduction and safer substance use.
General Health
Join us in inspiring our campus to move more and sit less.
Environment (Built & Natural)
Help us transform our built and natural spaces on campus to promote wellbeing.
Food & Nutrition
Work with us to support food security and availability of healthy food options.