Mental and Emotional Health
Promoting positive mental health and well-being is crucial to students’ academic success and helps create an outstanding work environment for our faculty and staff. Mental well-being encompasses quality of life and the ability of people and societies to contribute to the world with a sense of meaning and purpose. Campus Wellness and Education is collaborating with campus partners on research-informed, responsive initiatives to support mental wellbeing through reducing mental health stigma, creating a supportive campus culture, and ensuring that all members of the campus community have the resources to help them understand mental health issues, and improve resiliency and coping skills.

1. Mental Health Mondays
Mondays | 1pm – 3pm | Picnic (UNC 122b)
September – April
Drop in to learn new skills to support your mental health and overall wellbeing! Join us for tea as we talk about simple yet powerful mental health tools that can be used in your everyday life. Activities will change weekly.
For more information, visit the UBCO Event Calendar.

2. Eat the Frog Mondays
Mondays| 1pm – 4pm | Residence Wellness Hub (Nechako 251)
September – April
Have you too been procrastinating? We get it! Come eat the frog (i.e. do that thing you’ve been putting off) with the support and company of peers.
*Please note, we are not eating real frogs. The term “Eat the Frog” comes from a Mark Twain quote: “If it’s your job to eat a frog, it’s best to do it first thing in the morning. And If it’s your job to eat two frogs, it’s best to eat the biggest one first.”
To put it simply, eating the frog is the process of identifying your most difficult task of the day and completing it before you do any other work.
For more information, visit the UBCO Event Calendar.

3. Thrive Month
Every November at UBCO
Thrive is a time when we come together as a UBC community to learn about, talk about, and explore ways to support our mental health. This is an important time of year when we highlight all the critical programs of support available on our campus and learn about the Thrive 5 which can contribute to our flourishing as UBC community members.
For more information, visit the Thrive Website.

4. Yoga for Mental Wellness
Wednesdays | 3:10-4:10pm | Nechako Gathering Room 221
September – April
Unwind, de-stress and take a moment for your mental wellness in a one-hour yoga class, open to all students. No pre-registration is required. Please arrive a few minutes early to set up your mat.
*There will be no class during breaks and final exams.
For more information, visit the UBCO Event Calendar.

5. Relaxing Fridays
Fridays | 1pm – 4pm | Picnic (UNC 122b)
September – April
Need to unwind? Come hang out at Picnic. Have a nourishing snack, do some colouring, check out recipes, or take part in a Yoga or Tai Chi class.
Activities will vary but the vibe will be chill.

6. Groups
There are ongoing groups and programs hosted by our Counselling colleagues. Some include groups such as “Healthy Masculinities” and “Y Mind.” Make sure you watch for those opportunities on the UBCO Events Calendar or follow our Instagram for updates.

7. One-off Programs
You can reach out to our team if your group needs specific mental health training. We do many of these throughout the year including orientation or other key times of the year.
Make sure you watch for opportunities on the UBCO Events Calendar or follow our Instagram for updates.
Information and Resources

On Campus
How We Got Here

University is a stressful time and young adulthood is an important developmental step. Mental health has always been a key priority for our team. In Voice 4 we learned new things about Voice and the campus environment. Action groups were formed to advocate for changes to promote student mental wellbeing on the following priority topics:
- Academic Concession Policy
- Exam Policy and Scheduling
CWE is always looking for more opportunities to improve our social determinants of mental health and providing ongoing programs, campaigns and education to improve campus mental health.