Meet Campus Health Student – David Byres

Since COVID-19 began, you might have noticed our social media engagement increase significantly. While our campus community is studying across the globe, we wanted to find ways to connect and share important health information. Thanks to Wellbeing Strategic Initiative funding, we were able to hire UBCO student David Byres to help us create a social media identity, spread the word about exciting new initiatives, and ensure folks can stay engaged and up to date with health information. He has also helped us out with photography, videography, analytics, reports, and event planning. David knows how important this work is:
“During this time of limited in person interaction it has been super important for us to be able to share our work and resources with both our campus and broader community through our online channels and I’m so glad that I have been able to do that.” At Campus Health are grateful to have David on the team during these unprecedented times. Check out his posts for Campus Health by following us @campushealthubco on Instagram!