Up your kitchen game with Campus Health’s food skills workshop series
Build your confidence in your kitchen!!
Golden Apple and I am Accessible Award Winners 2022
Golden Apple Awards and the I Am Accessible Awards are student-driven awards
UBCO Harm Reduction Team at Big White
A first for the UBCO Harm Reduction Team (HaRT)
Tackling Toxic Drugs
UBCO’s collaboration with the community is breaking down barriers when it comes to accessing harm reduction services
Help us make a food map!
Let’s find good food in the syilx Okanagan Nation together!
Drug checking on UBCO campus
Free and confidential testing
Campus Health supports International Overdose Awareness Day
UBCO’s Campus Health Harm Reduction Team says they’re seeing a staggering amount of Fentanyl and Benzodiazepines in the drug supply
Harm Reduction Team Substance Use Dialogues at UBCO
Learn about the major themes that arose from this dialogue series
2021 Golden Apple Award and I Am Accessible Award
Winners Announced!
UBCO and the Overdose Crisis
5 years since BC declared the overdose crisis a public health emergency