Student Profile

Meet Adrian Van de Mosselaer – a member of our harm reduction team

Meet Adrian Van de Mosselaer – a member of our harm reduction team

Transition from hockey enforcer to nurse, inspired by Christmas gift

Meet our Campus Health Students –  Kaitlin Ukrainetz and Sara Erickson-Montague

Meet our Campus Health Students – Kaitlin Ukrainetz and Sara Erickson-Montague

UBCO COVID-19 ambassadors, Kaitlin and Sara

Meet Campus Health Student  – David Byres

Meet Campus Health Student – David Byres

UBCO student David Byres, helping to keep the global campus community connected

Meet our Social Work Students – Karen Chhabra-Dhoot and Sarah Doyle

Meet our Social Work Students – Karen Chhabra-Dhoot and Sarah Doyle

Karen and Sarah, practicum placement students to support the work of our Campus Health and UBCO Health and Wellness teams

Meet Campus Health Students – Thomas, Becky and Lucas

Meet Campus Health Students – Thomas, Becky and Lucas

Becky and Thomas are evaluating the harm reduction resources available to students at UBCO

Meet our students – Caroline and Jenna

Meet our students – Caroline and Jenna

Meet Master of Social Work students and learn about the health information hub ‘the Wellness Centre: Online’