VOICE Students Attend Food Summit
VOICE student co-researchers, Kimberly Rutledge and Desiree Amaral, joined 70 students from across Canada at the National Student Food Summit held at McMaster University.
Vaping – Briefing Note
The Campus Health Voice team prepared a briefing note to provide important information about vaping to our campus community.
Healthy Beverage Initiative at UBC Okanagan
UBC is planning a Healthy Beverage Initiative (HBI) to encourage the campus community to choose healthier beverages
Smoking and UBC Okanagan
The Campus Health Voice Project has been learning about the views of students, staff and faculty about smoking on campus over the last four years.
Recreational Cannabis at UBCO Campus
Cannabis use among the Canadian population has increased over the past decade. Estimates of patterns of use vary for young adults.
Smoke-free Campuses: Briefing Note
The Campus Health team prepared this briefing note on smoke-free campuses and presented this to the UBC Wellbeing Steering Committee and UBC Executive