Golden Apple Awards – 2020 Winners
WOW! We received over 70 nominations for this year’s Golden Apple Awards. The Golden Apple Awards are a student-led initiative to acknowledge teachers that are supporting wellbeing in the academic environment. The award criteria is based on research that was completed on classroom wellbeing at the UBC Vancouver campus. This year, two winners were awarded in each of ten categories. Let’s take a moment to show our gratitude to the Winners of the 2020 Golden Apple Awards:
Recognizing that students have lives outside of academics
- Lindsay Der
- Matt Husain
Openly discusses wellbeing-related topics
- Jessica Driscoll
- Derrick Wirtz
Creating a safe classroom environment
- Allison Hargreaves
- Charlene Strumpel
Fostering instructor-student relationship
- Peter Arthur
- Cathy Robinson
Fostering peer-to-peer relationships
- Natalie Chambers
- Francisco Peña
Delivering the materials effectively
- Tamara Freeman
- Ramon Lawrence
Supporting learning outside the classroom
- Karen Hodges
- Jeewon Yoo
Helping students find value in the subject matter
- Wayne Broughton
- Tim Paulson
Helping students find value in the learning process
- Jodey Castricano
- Jerry Vanderberg
Structuring the course effectively
- Ryan Ard
- Greg DuManoir
Follow Campus Health on both Facebook and Instagram to see how these teachers are supporting your wellbeing!