Raising Awareness About the Risks of Vaping
A group of fourth year nursing students (Bonnie O’Rourke, Tori Mufford, Chris Popel, Claire Merriman Campbell) working with our Campus Health VOICE team have been engaging students, faculty and staff in conversations about vaping. The comments of our campus community were collected on yellow sticky notes and recently displayed in UNC. The latest information from Health Canada regarding the health risks of vaping were distributed by the student group. The increase in vaping among youth, and recent reports of vaping related lung injuries has prompted the BC Ministry of Health to introduce vaping restrictions to protect youth (see https://news.gov.bc.ca/releases/2019HLTH0118-002192).
For more information about vaping contact Campus Health at 250-807-8627, and for information about vaping cessation contact Health and Wellness at 250-807-9270 or drop by UNC 337.